Monday, August 10, 2009

Town Hell

I must admit to having a little schadenfreude over the Democrats' consternation arising from the turmoil developing at their little town hall events. These are a sight to behold. And when they and their allies in the press say they're 'orchestrated' it makes it all the more ironic, not to say hypocritical. Talk about orchestrated! Isn't that what ACORN was all about, orchestrating? Man, this is fun to watch.

But seriously, I am really, really hoping and praying this healthcare thing fails. We know what 'wonders' huge government bureaucracies produce. Every last one of them is a nightmare, with mountains of red tape. It's no surprise to me that there are long waiting lines for surgery and procedures in Canada and England.

And if the pharmaceutical companies lose their incentive to do research (which would happen), guess what? Research ebbs.

And when they cut funding for clinical trials (which would happen), that spells death to people who may find that their only hope would be clinical trials; and was it not clinical trials which have produced so many of the medical marvels we now enjoy?

Speaking of medical marvels, all my life I've been thinking that the 21st century would bring us medical marvels that would cure so many dreaded diseases, and now we find that the major obstacle in the way of this is the government.

On behalf of the weak, the elderly, the unborn, and the sick in our country, I am fervently hoping and praying that it fails.


Rev. Larry Beane said...

The political class is showing its true colors. They hold "town hall meetings" to get a feel for what the people think about the proposal. The people send a strong and overwhelming message of dissent. Then the politicians call it "sabotage" and make lame claims that this is "orchestrated."

The funny thing is that conservatives have to be really and genuinely angry to show up and protest. Most of them have jobs. They are not being bussed in by ACORN or bought with walking around money. This is genuine angst, and their expression of their genuinely-held opinions is part of the democratic process that is supposed to be part of our republican form of government.

The disdain of the Democrats is ironic, as these are the folks who wrap themselves in the flag of Martin Luther King and Gandhi, in "civil disobedience" and in non-violent demonstrations.

This exposes these "town hall meetings" for what they are really intended to be: propaganda for the politicians who routinely lie to us, who seek to control every aspect of our lives. You can see the alarm and fear when the people do not behave as their subjects and slaves.

The Democratic machine is already spinning the protests as contrived and the protesters as "un-American."

The next step will be to bring in cops with tasers and start electrocuting dissenters.

I hope the momentum continues, as this may well be the final domino in the destruction of what remains of the republic. When bureaucrats control medical care, they control life and death - which is the ultimate tool in the hands of central planners.

Unknown said...

Fr. Hollywood,
"When bureaucrats control medical care, they control life and death - which is the ultimate tool in the hands of central planners." This makes me think of the Concordia Health Plan.

Rev. Larry Beane said...

Dear Daniel:

You owe me a new keyboard...

Fr BFE said...

"The next step will be to bring in cops with tasers and start electrocuting dissenters."

Fr. Hollywood:

There's a report afoot saying that the Democrats are thinking of bringing union people in on their side. Read 'thugs'. This could get really ugly, as Peggy Noonan has recently opined.