Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My First PBT

OK, so here I go.

See Eckardt. See Eckardt blog. He does not run. He blogs slowly. He is a new blogger.

But he is a quick learner, so he expecteth that he shall succeed in this endeavor, at least to some modest degree, over time, that is.

I have to figure out how this mess works first, and then I'll be spewing forth my odd musings and ponderings at random.

For now, I'll post the first profound thought of my blog, which is actually from my mother:

Nothing ever really matters very much.

Now this pbt (profound blot thought) is meant in part to smoke out the Pietists out there who will rail against the idea, saying Wait a minute, doesn't GOD matter, huh?? To which I would not even bother to reply that it isn't what that pbt really means, since that ought to go without saying. What it means is that for those who are in Christ, there is life and salvation, and therefore all things work together for good to them that love Him, etc. And if you really believed that, you would realize that this is quite a good pbt, actually, because it means everything will work itself out. So there.

Take heart. Calm yourself. It's going to be ok in the end. Nothing ever really matters very much.

Father Eckardt


Rev. Larry Beane said...

Fr. Eckardt:

My family had a version of your mother's profound insight (which has now gone high-tech as a pbt): "It won't matter a hundred years from now" - which really helps put things into perspective - especially for the Christian. And welcome to the world of the Lutheran blogosphere. Maybe there is hope after all. Then again, it won't matter a hundred years from now...

Fr BFE said...

Fr. Hollywood:

Thanks for the welcome. And did you know that you were witness to the first time I (or hopefully anyone in the whole world) ever coined the term "pbt". I hope to have many more.

Rev. Larry Beane said...


Hmmm. Let me see. PBR (not that I drink it). PB&J (not that I eat it), TBN (not that I watch it)...

Nope. I think you said "pbt" first.

Congrats on the neologism...

+ Hollywood

Fr BFE said...

So now I can blog: Veni, vidi, blogi. But how do I get my little pic in the replies or in the header, like you have?

Fr BFE said...

Ah! What do you know! I did it! But still can't get that lovely mug in the header . . .